

Hello my baby.

I don't know you're girl, boy or both. But I'd be happy when you see my post whether you're girl or boy. Because I could have you in my life. Nothing could be happier than this event.

I hope you'd love me. I hope you'd feel something from my life.

I've never seen your face or posture. But let me say this. I love you.


A purpose to start this blog is to tell my future children what my life is like before s/he was born. 
Nobody lives forever. Like Bon Jovi sings, it's now or never.

Every little life has their own story which is worth telling. But not so many people would try or write down it for their children or future generation. 

I don't think that I'd like to be popular name just to let many people know my name or honour, however, at least, I wish my children remember my story of my life, if possible. And now, what can I do for it now?

Here's the answer. To write it now for them.

I have no idea how my life will go on next 10 years or more. So I want to write it to record.

Is it weird? Who cares. Let's just get it started.